How to Join a Learning Across America Course
on Canvas
Step 1: Accept course invitation
If you've enrolled in a Learning Across America course, you’ll receive an email from Canvas Free for Teachers with the heading ‘Course Invitation’ that contains your email address which you’ll use for your login. To accept the course invitation, click the blue Get Started button.
Step 2: Accept course
Canvas will take you to your course and ask you to accept the enrollment. Click the Accept button.
Step 3: Create Canvas Account
Click the Create My Account button.
Note: If you already have a Canvas account, click the I Have a Canvas Account button. You'll be directed to the Canvas login page.
Step 4: Complete Registration
Create a password [1] and enter your time zone [2]. If you are unsure of your time zone, click here and type your current location.
Select the Acceptable Use Policy checkbox [3], then click the Register button [4].